Have you ever visited this hidden location from North Yorkshire? If no, you definitely need to add this place to your next visit location bucke list.
Why? Well let me tell you why below in this topic.
This place is built on top of the hill, the biggest and highest public artwork in Yorkshire. Gives amazing view once you claimed to the location. There is free car park nearby, however to get to the actual place, there is little walk.
If you want to find the place on the maps, you will have to type: The Coldstone Cut.
And that’s the actual place.
When you get closer to the location, you will be seeing them steps, a bit funny because these aren’t really safe to walk on it. However, people do because they finding easier to get to the actual place.

The photo above, I took when first time visiting this place. I was really impressed and loved the place, especially the view you can have from the top. Here below are couple of images I took when I have visited the place,
This is view you get when you look from the wall of the location. It gives very interesting view. The photo below I have took it with my drone, as I really liked to fly my drone at this location. The winter time is colder, up here, and you need to be prepared to walk a bit.
Also, to make you aware, the location is not wheel friendly unfortunately.

So here an other photo of the actual place from the drone.

Those are the images at the location from the Above. Yes, looks interesting. If you are around this location. I highly recommend to visit it. Or even if you visit the Harrogate town, you can get to this location in 20 minute drive.
Some more images below from this location.

I really hope you have enjoyed reading this short post. Looking forward for your comments.